From the name itself Triphala is a combination of three drugs in equal quantities, Harithaki, Bhibhithaki & Amalaki - effective therapeutic drug that balances Tridoshas- Vata, Pitta & Kapha. As I said TRIPHALA act as an immunomodulator, because it helps to balance body equilibrium. It helps to defence body against diseases. Because of this immunomodulatory action, almost all the Ayurvedic formulations contains TRIPHALA. Hence TRIPHALA act as a RASAYANA DRUG. Research studies found that TRIPHALA is potentially effective for appetite stimulation, reduction of hyperacidity, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antimutagenic, adaptogenic, hypoglycemic, antineoplastic, chemoprotective, and radioprotective effects, and prevention of dental caries . According to Charak, taking the Triphala Rasayana ( Triphala with honey and ghee) daily has the potential to make a person live for one hundred years devoid of old age and diseases. As both Ayurveda a